Another year with so many reasons to be proud!
2022 is getting to its end and I wanted to appreciate what I was lucky to experience.
For me 2022 was a great success and full of adventures!
Now, it is the time to start 2023-year planning and goal setting by first reflecting on 2022.
Goodbye to my old apartment in the spectacular city, Padova!
I moved out to a new home in a new city, Brescia.
It was quite a process, packing, unpacking, decluttering, and organizing everything!
I felt like a fresh start and a new chance to re-energize my space.
That was stressful on its own.
Yet, excitement was high, I was over the moon as I was starting a new chapter of my life.

The year already started with great news, the position I applied for was fully funded.
I was thrilled to be starting a new job as Ph.D Candidate at the University of Brescia at the department of DICATAM . This is an amazing opportunity, and I will be working on sustainable water resources management on large river basin.
Thanks to my tutor, Professor Stefano Barontini, I am developing new skills and creating a broader view and mindset.
I’m really excited about this new challenge and can’t wait to see what the future holds.
It was also full of training opportunities and growth:
To follow my personal growth path, I took part in different webinars, courses, trainings to expand my capacity and acquire new skills.
I've been feeling inspired to enjoy the act. I tried to stop thinking, preparing, and talking about the things I need to do and start really doing them. I learned more about “The reward is in the doing” from Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield.
Therefore, I launched my own personal website in which I share notes and reflections on studying a PhD, and as a reminder to myself of the importance of self-reflection and improvement, so that it can perhaps empower others to embrace their true potential and create their dream life as well. In addition to sharing my personal thoughts on environmental challenges worldwide.
It was a new experience that pushed me out of my comfort zone, I was afraid of being exposed to the public, shy to share my ideas and thoughts. Yet I consider it as an abundance of reflection, growth, and lessons I have learnt. I decided to be stronger than my fears.
My most recent experience was with Conference of Youth (COY17) to communicate the importance of youth involvement to bring their voices to the core of COP27.

I continued my volunteering activities with Water Science and Policy, where I translated or reviewed more than 25 articles into Arabic. I also helped translating
subtitles for short and long videos, including an award-winning documentary that WSP produced.

I had also the chance to be become a new team member, and later I was elected as the coordinator of the Mediterranean Youth Task Force under the umbrella of FAO and Silva Mediterranea secretariat, which aims at promoting youth action and participation, and serving as a safe place for dialogue, and knowledge sharing and capacity building activities in the areas of Forestry youth networks.
I’m looking forward to seeing what we accomplish together.

All these volunteering activities gave me new insights and opportunities to also think out of the box.
The mindset I kept while navigating 2022
· There is always a way.
· Don’t compare myself with others.
· Learn as I go.
· Don't give up.
· Take some rest.
My message to all my peers
You must believe in yourself to do anything brave.
To all young professionals, don’t hesitate, just go, it will be fun adventure.
Take that risk.
Be bold.
Do what you love.
Do something you will be proud of.